Before traveling with Bonza, you should be aware of the airline's baggage policy to avoid paying extra during check-in. The airline's baggage allowance depends on whether you are going to fly domestically or internationally. The airline offers two types of baggage: carry-on and checked. The information below will help you learn about the weight and dimension limitations of the baggage.
Bonza is very strict with its baggage policy and offers only one carry-on baggage to each passenger. If your baggage is found overweight or oversized, then it will be counted as checked luggage, and extra charges will apply. The carry-on baggage has to be small enough to fit inside the overhead compartment, and the small item will go below your front seat.
The airline only provides one free carry-on to each passenger; if you have an extra item, then there are some charges that you need to pay for buying extra checked luggage with Bonza, depending on the weight. You can purchase the checked baggage online through the official airline's application or the airport's counter. The maximum number of four pieces of checked baggage a passenger can buy. For further details regarding the checked luggage, you can reach out to customer service.
The charges for excess or oversized luggage on Bonza differ depending on the destination you are flying to and the weight. You have to pay some extra charges to purchase the luggage through the airport. If you want to learn about the Bonza fees for excess or oversized luggage, then go through the following information:
Passengers traveling with an infant or children are offered extra baggage, including an infant's ticket with a weight of up to 8 kg. The dimensions of the baggage should not be more than 40 X 30 X 20 cm. In addition, you are allowed to take one extra item, which can be a stroller, portable high chair, or a car seat.