How do you survive an ultra-long-haul flight?
  • August 8th 2024
  • Travel tips
  • Travomint

How do you survive an ultra-long-haul flight?

A passenger has to be not only physically but also mentally prepared for ultra-long-haul flights, as they are very exhausting. There are multiple problems that they face, including the small space for movement, change in the time zone, and dry cabin air, as you will be flying over 35,000 feet above the ground. Your flight experience can be very challenging on these flights, but there are some things that you can do to make it simpler. Read the given information to learn about a few tricks that will help you survive the ultra-long-haul flights:

Tricks to survive an ultra-long-haul flight

  • Choose a comfortable seat for the flight - While making the flight reservation, you should always pick the preferred seat that is most comfortable for you. Mostly every airline provides the option to select the desired seat online by paying its relevant charges. You can also modify or upgrade the seating options during the check-in. 
  • Get as much sleep as you can - The best way to pass your time on an ultra-long-haul flight is by sleeping as much as you can. There are many items that will help you sleep during the flight, such as ear plugs, eye-mask, and travel pillow. Mostly, the airline will offer you a blanket for free, but you can always carry an extra one at your convenience.
  • Keep yourself hydrated - When you travel a long distance via air, then it dehydrates you a little faster and sometimes might make you feel nauseous. So, it's better that you avoid alcohol on such flights as it will also affect your sleep and hydrate yourself by drinking water. You can fill up your empty water bottle at the airport after passing through the security checkpoint.
  • Take a few steps to walk every few hours - You need to maintain the blood flow in your body on these long-haul flights, and for that, take a few steps to walk or move around a little. Most passengers book aisle seats for long-haul flights because it's easier for them to get up anytime they want without disrupting their other seatmates. If the seat belt signs are on and you are not able to get up from the seat, then move the wrist and feet in a circular motion.
  • Make use of the entertainment options - Fully charge your mobile phone and earphones before boarding the flight as they help you with the entertainment section and the best way to pass the time. Check what in-flight entertainment options your aircraft offers, and you might even get wi-fi on the flight, depending on the airline.

How many hours is an ultra-long-haul flight?

The flights that have a duration of 16 hours or more are considered as "Ultra long haul flights". The time duration of these flights is calculated on the basis of when the aircraft leaves the departure gate and lands at the destination; because of such a length of time, these flights operate once or twice per day, and only the big flight carriers are capable of handling such flights.