What is the baggage allowance for King Island Airlines?
  • August 22nd 2024
  • Travel tips
  • Travomint

What is the baggage allowance for King Island Airlines?

No one would prefer to be imposed extra charges for exceeding the baggage limits on King Island Airlines. Even if you exceed 1 kg of your luggage, the airline is quite strict and can impose some charges. Thus, to avoid any such issue, it's better to delve into the discussion and find out what is the carry-on luggage policy, what things you must include or exclude from your luggage, what the charges are, and other associated things. So, carefully observe the tabs:

What is the carry-on baggage policy for King Island Airlines?

For your convenience, take reference on how much luggage you can carry onboard (or carry-on luggage limitations) to surpass any extra-charge trouble with King Island Airways by the following points; please have a look:

  • As far as you are traveling with King Island Airlines, all you are permitted to carry is 15 kg [per adult where, as it is 10 KG per child. 
  • The dimensions of your luggage must not exceed 55 x 35 x 25 cm. 
  • Due to the aircraft's size, the officials do not even guarantee that luggage can be carried on the same flight as a passenger. 
  • In any case of exceeding the baggage limits, the officials will impose certain charges that vary from travel fares. Thus, in case of any query, its better to approach the officials at their contact number. 

What not to include in Checked Baggage?

Many fliers often wonder which things are banned from carrying on King Island Airlines for security reasons, and from knowing about the same, you are suggested to delve into the tabs and explore the same in detail; please have a look:

  • You must avoid carrying any explosive, corrosive, volatile spirits, matches (except safety matches), ignitable products, or any other product that can endanger aircraft, passengers, or goods. 
  • Passengers are also barred from carrying intoxicated products in checked baggage unless it is sold onboard (for example, alcoholic beverages). 
  • There are some more articles banned from being carried in checked baggage on King Island Airlines. Thus, to learn more, it's better to contact the officials who will clear all the concerns. 

Can you put the charger in your checked luggage?

Generally, the airline does not allow passengers to carry chargers in their checked luggage; however, if your charger or a power bank contains a lithium-ion battery, it must be packed in carry-on luggage. For more clarification, contact a supervisor who will clarify all your issues. 

Are perfumes permitted to be packed in check-in luggage?

According to FAA regulations, you are permitted to carry perfumes in your luggage on King Island Airlines; however, the container size must not exceed 0.5 kg, 18 ounces, or 17 fluid ounces. 

What can be included in your checked baggage?

In order to have a hassle-free journey on King Island Airlines, you must also be aware of the things you can carry without giving a second thought. For your clarification, you are advised to take reference by the mentioned points: please have a look:

  • Laptops, Cameras. 
  • Non-flammable liquids and gels. (adhere to liquid rules). 
  • Sporting Equipment. 
  • Toiletries. 
  • Clothes and Shoes.